Storied Church began in the Fall of 2019. We got our start in the living rooms and dining tables of one another's homes. We dreamed and prayed of a community that could be. And maybe you too are a part of that dream and prayer.
We are striving to reimagine and reclaim church as a Christ-Centered space.
We strive to be a church that cares about its vision and values and how they are lived out.
For us, the Eucharist table has been a large part of the vision of this community that God is building. We realize that the church has not made it easy for some people to get to this table. We recognize that there are people in our community that need this table, need to tell their story, and need to hear it and be better for it. That is our why.
Our journey ahead is about being a refuge for those who need it. Space where people can live out their faith, discover themselves and be a voice of hope for their community. At the end of the day, we want to hopefully make our community a little bit better.
We feel that the website will give you a good taste of who we are as a community. But the best way to experience Storied Church is to attend a Sunday morning worship gathering and/or to attend one of our Midweek gatherings at Trackside in Mebane every 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 6:30p.
We would love for you to connect with us by joining our listserve and/or connecting with us over a cup of coffee or lunch.